Daniel E. Keller
K-9 "Billy"
Cleet Green
Jail Sergeant Dan Keller started working at the Security Center in 1981. He began his career as a Corrections Officer and was promoted to First Shift Sergeant in 2000. Sergeant Keller was also a part of the Reserve Program serving as a Reserve Deputy. While working as a Reserve Deputy he held the rank of Lieutenant for several years. Sergeant Keller died December 20, 2006. His service and dedication to the Sheriff's Department will be greatly missed.

In memory of Dan the Reserve Deputies as a group voted to retire his unit number, 38R2.
Reserve Captain Cleet Green was a long time Reserve Deputy for the Sheriff's Office. Captain Green served as Captain from the late 1980's to November of 1998. He resigned as Captain due to health issues but remained a dedicated Reserve Deputy until his death in April of 1999. Captain Green's unit number, 3840, was also retired by the Reserves.
Billy began his career with our agency in 1999. During his time as a Deputy Billy was responsible for numberous narcotic seizures and suspect aprehensions. Billy also protected his handlers from harm on several different occasions. Billy was handled by three different Deputy's during his career. Travis Weaver, Patrick Wells, and Matt Tarter all had the honor of working with Billy.
Billy retired from the Department in January of 2007. Within a few months he rapidly developed a brain disease and shortly thereafter was put to sleep.
Robert Matthew Aker
Reserve Captain Robert Matthew Aker began his career as a Reserve Deputy for the Sheriff's Office in August 1999. Matt assumed the duties of Captain of the Reserves in January 2007 and held that position until his death in April 2011. After his death, his unit number 38R9 was retired from service by the Reserves.
Michelle Theurer
Jay County 9-1-1 Communications Officer Michelle Theurer passed away unexpectedly on April 11, 2014. Michelle began working as a part-time 9-1-1 Dispatcher on October 10, 2009. During her time as a Dispatcher, Michelle was eager to fill in whenever needed and always striving to learn more. Michelle was a valued member of the Jay County 9-1-1 Communications staff and will be greatly missed.