Foster, et al 1222 S Meridian St Portland 05/18/2017
Brown 340 E Bell Av Redkey 05/18/2017
Carey 5802 E SR 26 Portland 06/01/2017
Wilson 7959 N 550 W Bryant 06/08/2017
Lairson 2957 S Southtown Place Portland 06/15/2017
The Sheriff does not warrant, either expressly or impliedly, any matters concerning the sale or the real estate, including, but not limited to, title, location, condition or legal description of any real estate sold at Sheriff sale. "Subject to all liens, encumbrances and easements of record." It is the duty of the buyer to obtain their own title evidence. The Sheriff's personnel are not legal advisers and you, as buyer, will need to consult an attorney for legal information.
All bids are final. No bid may be withdrawn or amended after being duly received and recorded by the Sheriff's personnel conducting the sale.
All bids will be made in $100.00 increments unless otherwise stated by the Sheriff's personnel conducting the sale.
All winning bidders must provide their name, address, and telephone number to the Sheriff's Office at the date of the sale.
Sales are conducted at 10:00 AM and the purchase price must be paid in full by cashier's check or certified check by 3:00 PM the day of the sale. Bidders will be subject to statutory penalties if they fail to comply with their bid.